Fur Alpaca care

Todos nuestros artículos exclusivos de alpaca, incluidas alfombras, zapatillas, mantas y cojines, están hechos de piel de alpaca natural. Cada artículo tiene una apariencia única, tanto en términos de variaciones de color como de las cualidades físicas del pelaje de alpaca.

Every alpaca fur item is different due to the singular and exclusive quality of the fine alpaca fiber that reflects light in a most unique and beautiful way. Rugs, Throws and Cushions made of alpaca fur will at first shed some wool as a natural process. You can fluff your alpaca fur item outside to remove the loose hairs.


Our natural alpaca fur Rugs, Throws and Cushions should not to be kept in damp and humid places. Water and humidity always damages natural materials. Vacuum clean your alpaca fur Rug or Throw regularly, using a smooth mouthpiece; never use industrial or wet vacuum cleaner. Brush your alpaca fur item regularly, as this helps maintain their appearance for a longer period of time. It is recommended, that particles which cannot be reached by vacuum cleaner, should be removed yearly by professional cleaning service. For further information, please contact me!

Wet Stains

Treat wet stains as quickly as possible without letting them dry. Use a sponge to remove as much liquid from the alpaca fur as possible and then dab it with white cloth or a white piece of kitchen or toilet paper. Repeat the procedure until the stain disappears. Always work from the edge toward the centre of the stain, to keep it from spreading. Always dab the alpaca fur, never rub or scrub it. After removing the stains, dry the alpaca fur carefully with a hair dryer or take it outside (only with dry weather).


Collect particles from the alpaca fur with your fingers. Do not use a sharp object that could damage the alpaca fur. If dirt can be removed with a vacuum cleaner, do not wet the stain. If all dirt cannot be removed from the alpaca fur with a vacuum cleaner, dab the stain with a wet sponge and treat the stain as indicated under the following section – wet stains.


Please do not leave the dyed color alpaca fur Rug or Throw or Cushion under direct heavy sunlight for an extended period of time, as this may damage the appearance of the color shades and variations.